Loop Connections Pty Ltd

Privacy Policy

1.      What We Do 

Loop Connections (ABN 44 672 092 625) provides recruitment consultancy services placing candidates on a permanent, contract and interim basis across a range of industries in Australia, and other training, coaching and advisory services relating to recruitment services.

2.      What kinds of personal information we collect and store

Loop Connections Pty Ltd will only collect information that is necessary for the proper performance of our tasks or functions such as:

·        Identity data, for example, your title, first name, last name, date of birth, TFN, nationality and other information relating to residency and right to work status.

·        Contact data such as your delivery address, email address and telephone numbers, emergency contact details and contact details history. 

·        Historical data such as your educational history and credentials, employment history, criminal background history, social media, skills and qualifications, and results from any other background and disclosure checks. 

·        Employment-related data such as your current remuneration and benefits, what role you are looking for, what work-related areas interest you, third party references (if taken) and interview and assessment feedback created either us or by our client following an interview or assessment. 

·        Verification data such as a copy of your driving licence, passport or another form of identification and referee details.

·        Financial data such as your bank BSB/BIC code and account number and tax-related information and credit checks.

·        Diversity data which may include racial or ethnic origin, religious or other similar beliefs and physical or mental health, including disability-related information.

·        Technical data such as your internet protocol (IP) address, MAC address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, mobile phone location data and other technology on the devices you use to access our website and our services. 

·        Profile data such as your usernames and interests applicable to the services we provide to you. 

·        Usage data such as how you use and navigate around our websites and what you browse within them.  

·        Marketing data such as your preferences in receiving marketing from our third parties and us and your communication preferences.

·    Visa application data such as your contact and identity information, immigration history (including residency, immigration status and travel history), character disclosures (including offences, disclosures and information relevant to meeting character requirements).

3.      How we collect information  

We generally collect your personal data directly from you. For example, we collect your personal data when you: 

·        deal with us in person, by telephone, email, via our website or other communication channels (e.g., WhatsApp);

·        submit any other information to us, such as a CV;

·        complete psychometric assessments or other assessments;

·        subscribe to job alert emails;

·        subscribe to our publications;

·        attend an event we have organised;

·        enter a competition, promotion or survey; and/or

·        give us feedback. 

 We may also use the following third-party channels to collect your personal data:

·        pre-employment screening and background checking;

·        our clients and their third-party suppliers; 

·        governmental and regulatory bodies, such as tax authorities; and,

·        analytics providers, such as Google Analytics and various job boards. 

We may also collect your personal data from publicly available sources, including:

·        your identity and historical data from social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook;

·        your identity, from qualification and membership lists of professional bodies. 

4.      Where we store information

Your information is stored in our Job Adder CRM system and some of your personal information may be held on portable devices such as mobile phones, laptop computers or in diaries operated and held by our employees.

5.      The reasons we need to collect personal information.

Your personal data will be collected and handled by us in order to:

·        provide careers, recruitment and/or related intermediary services to or for you;

·        match your details against job vacancies which we consider are appropriate for you in order to assess your suitability for them;

·        allow you to submit your CV, apply for specific jobs or to subscribe to our job alerts so that we can notify you when relevant job vacancies arise;

·        apply for jobs on your behalf by sending your personal data to clients;

·        facilitate the recruitment process if a client wishes to progress your application;

·        conduct pre-employment screening;

·        fulfil our contractual obligations to our clients; 

·        provide you with further information which may be of interest to you in regard to the employment market and opportunities;

·        inform you about any relevant industry developments, events, promotions and competitions, and to communicate any other relevant information;

·        answer your enquiries or questions;

·        conduct statistical analysis;

·        monitor diversity;

·        comply with our regulatory commitments;

·        pursue or defend a legal claim; and,

·        prevent or detect a crime, where the law requires us to carry out such monitoring.

 6.      Legal requirements for personal information

Some laws such as taxation law, immigration law, laws regulating employment agencies, laws relating to national security, laws relating to professional or trade registration and laws for the protection of certain classes of people (such as children or the elderly) may require that we collect certain types of information (including criminal history) from you that is relevant to the position(s) for which you may be applying. There may be cases where our duties of care or contractual duties require us to obtain and disclose certain types of personal information relevant to specific jobs.

When requesting information of this type we will tell you whether the supply of that information by you is mandatory or voluntary.

If you do not give us part or all of the information we need:

·        we may be limited in our ability to secure suitable work for you;

·        we may be limited in our ability to place you in work; and,

·        we might decline to represent you in your search for work or put you forward for particular positions.


7.      How we use and disclose personal information

Your personal information will be used in connection with:

·        our assessment of your suitability for registration with us;

·        the necessary validation (including from appropriate third-party sources) of your resume, nominated references, or stated qualifications, experience, training or abilities: Note: where we require third party validation, we will tell you how we propose to obtain it.

·        Your actual or possible work placement(s);

·        Your performance appraisals;

·        Any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you might be required to undergo:

·        Our assessment of your ongoing performance and prospects;

·        Our identification of training needs;

·        Suggestions we may make to you, whilst you remain registered with us, for further training in connection with work of the type that you are seeking through us;

·        Any workplace rehabilitation in which you and we are involved;

·        Our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved;

·        Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information;

·        Any reference that we may give concerning your work;

·        Our statutory compliance obligations;

·        Any services, promotions or offers provided by Loop Connections Pty Ltd that we believe you would be interested in, which you can opt-out of receiving at any point on request to contact@loopconnections.com.au.

​Your personal information may be disclosed to:

·        potential and actual employers and clients of Loop Connections Pty Ltd, including intermediaries involved in the supply or recruitment of personnel;

·        your referees including past employers, relevant education institutions and professional bodies;

        ·        a person or organisation who seeks a reference about you, (where you have given the person or organisation your permission to collect the information);

·        pre-employment screening and background checking organisations;

·        government and regulatory bodies, such as tax authorities;

·        our insurers and Workers Compensation provider;

·        a professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of your personal and sensitive information;

·        our suppliers – e.g., internet service and ATS providers, some of whom may be offshore;

·        a parent, guardian, holder of an enduring power of attorney (or like authority) or next of kin whom we may contact in any case in which consent is required or notification is to be given and where it is not practicable to obtain it from or give it directly to you;

·        any person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information; and,

·        third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business structure, any new owners may use your personal data in the same way as set out in this policy. 

 8.      How you can access your personal information or ask for a correction.

If you wish to contact us about your personal information you should contact the Privacy Officer via email contact@loopconnections.com.au,  or call +61 (0) 433 748 041 between 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday.

In line with privacy legislation, you can gain access to your information to correct it if it is wrong. If you are able to establish that personal information that we hold about you is misleading, irrelevant, not accurate, complete or up to date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it.  If we are unable to agree that personal information that we hold about you is not relevant, accurate, complete or up to date, you may ask us to place with the information a statement by you that claims that particular information is misleading, irrelevant, not accurate, incomplete or out of-date.  In some cases, we may impose a moderate administrative charge for providing access to personal or sensitive information. There is no charge for lodging a request for access.

9.      How to lodge a complaint if you think your information has been mishandled and how we’ll handled your complaint

If you believe your personal data has been mishandled by us, please submit your concern to contact@loopconnections.com.au or contact the Privacy Officer on +61(0) 433 748 041 between 9am and 5pm, Monday – Friday.

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and respond to it within 30 days. 

  • We will investigate your complaint and will seek additional information about the complaint if necessary;

  • If the complaint can be resolved by procedures for access and correction, or some other solution, we will suggest these to you as possible solutions (where necessary on a confidential and without prejudice basis);

  • If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may take your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

10.   If we are likely to disclose your information outside Australia.

On rare occasions, we may seek to disclose your information outside of Australia, for example if a person involved in the hiring or screening process is based outside of Australia. In those instances, we will inform you of the reasons for disclosing your information outside of Australia.

 11.   How long your personal information is kept.

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. We view our relationship with you as one which is to support your career through numerous roles and assignments. Accordingly, we may retain your data for a period of time which is materially greater than simply one placement if we reasonably believe that we will continue to have an ongoing relationship with you.   

We will appropriately and securely dispose of your personal data when it is no longer required.  To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we will consider the following factors: 

·        amount and nature of the personal data; 

·        its sensitivity; 

·        the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of the personal data; 

·        the purposes for which we handle your personal data; 

·        whether we can achieve those purposes through other means; and 

·        applicable legal requirements. 

12. Website

If you only browse our website, we do not collect information that identifies you personally, though we may collect information related to your visit to our website.